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If Romeo + Juliet and Romeo x Juliet exist, then...
...why don't Romeo - Juliet and Romeo */* Juliet exist?
Or Romeo = Juliet, for those inclined to massive plot twists and transgenderism.
Or Romeo^Juliet
Romeo · Juliet
Or Romeo ll Juliet.
Romeo / Juliet: A bizarre science fiction involving gene splicing.
Romeo - Juliet: Mercutio fucks Romeo and everybody wins.
Romeo < Juliet?
Romeo L Juliet: Juliet sits on Romeo's face on a right angle. Awkwardness ensues.
Romeo ! Juliet
Romeo && Juliet
/ \
/ \
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Juliet: An ASCII tragedy
^ Romeo Upturns a Tumbler Upon Juliet?
I mean, it seems like Romeo Intersection Juliet but that's an awfully bi--ninja'd OHHHHH
its up to your interpretation
just like romeo + juliet
the actors scream every line
seriously though it's a dick
Must we bring out the capslock here?
I feel ashamed that my first thought was "yeah that's a penis".
Romeo ∈ Juliet
A post-apocalyptic horror -- Juliet Ooze CONSUMES ALL.
I thought it was quite obvious to everyone.
I saw it as an "intersection" symbol, which can also be read as "and".
dRomeo/dJuliet - In which Romeo attempts to keep up with Juliet's bizarre changes.
Romeo _|_ Juliet?
(|-Juliet| - Romeo) - Juliet. The ending in a nutshell.
Romeo & Juliet Minus Romeo & Juliet: takes the original Shakesperean script and removes the two characters entirely, leading to a very confusing but delightful short play.
or, a version of the play based around the support cast from their POV
Romeo ⊕ Juliet: Never the Twain Shall Meet
Juliet: Are We Really So Different?
Juliet: An Adventure in Existentialism
^^ Rosencrants and Guildenstern go to Verona
Juliet: Bowdlerized with happy endings.