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Having no thoughts on politics beyond vague stoner cynicism
1. Politics contains a lot of selfish idiots.
2. Politics also contains a lot of well-meaning people, both pragmatists and extremists.
3. Don't ignore politics due to cynicism; become involved (to at least a minimum amount of involvement, such as voting and generally being aware of notable issues) to try to nudge policies and opinion in the way you like.
Sometimes, I wish I could not care about politics. But considering how the world's steadily slipping further into neoliberal dogma despite it conclusively not working and the consequences of such a world looming over the horizon for my generation and the next (is there even going to be a world left at that point?), politics constantly draws attention to itself.
Neoliberal dogma?
> Australian politics
> Abbot, Rudd or Gillard
> Gillard's actually the best of them, but she's anti-gay marriage which is a dealbreaker
> Rudd is just kind of a really bad PM in general as shown in his brief tenure as PM before Gillard backstabbed him
> Abbot has yet to make a good decision I've heard of
Vague stoner cynicism it is.
For example, over in the U.K., David Cameron is planning to privatize universal health care, which is blasphemy to most of us, but even the doctors themselves protesting isn't doing much to change his mind.
I think the rise of the NDP is what made me start to care more about Canadian politics, because it's nice to have some optimism to hang on to. Seriously, Jack Layton was great in getting past the cynicism and trying to unite people rather than divide them.
I guess this would be a good place to post a "I know that feel bro" macro. I mean, I definitely agree with glennmagusharvey about a lot of politicians having good intentions and I also second what he said about being minimally involved (especially voting for those who are eligible to do so).
Still, I think it is difficult to not feel pretty powerless about changing anything, especially when it can seem like the stuff you dislike is practically encouraged by the system itself.
Also, I have to think that the toxicity of political discourse does not help things much either.
>Also, I have to think that the toxicity of political discourse does not help things much either.
To clarify, I have no problem with calling candidates assholes, liars, jerks, etc.
But when those aren't okay but people start comparing candidates to Hitler or Stalin without an eye being bat?
Again, that's why I'm so fond of Jack Layton's legacy. I guess considering that, the Canadian political scene isn't so bad even though we have a power-mad git for Prime Minister.
^Wait, what? I'm not surprised, but I have to see the source.
Sometimes, I wish I could not care about politics. But considering how the world's steadily slipping further into neoliberal dogma despite it conclusively not working and the consequences of such a world looming over the horizon for my generation and the next (is there even going to be a world left at that point?), politics constantly draws attention to itself.
This. So much this.
I have to admit, I've tried on a lot of political ideologies for size over the years and vague cynicism always seems to be the natural centre of gravity I return to. Usually I either get to the point where I realise that to properly believe this, I'd have to accept more bullshit than I find possible, or I realise that actually a lot of the people on my side are just as bad as the other side.
Anyway, if you include the "stoner" part, isn't it basically compulsory for stoners to believe in legalising weed? That's an ideology, of sorts.
Well, cynic stoners also believe it'll never happen as long as "the maaaaaan" is in charge, duuuude
I'm not a stoner.
Milos - Hahahaha yes, absolutely. I don't want to harp on the subject, but those are exactly the people I ran into trouble with on SA. Last time I looked at that thread, the ladies were laying down the law about how men shouldn't look at womens' breasts at all. Ever. And then there are the Ron Paul supporters and the crazy leftists...it just goes on and on.
Every forum I've been on, most of the people who were keen to promote a particular ideology were also the most noteworthy arseholes. I'm glad there isn't really anyone like that here.
"Last time I looked at that thread, the ladies were laying down the law about how men shouldn't look at womens' breasts at all. Ever."
Really? Last time I checked, it was more the men being utter wankers about the types of "gaze".
I really do wish people would just shut up and listen more about topics they are less qualified to discuss.
This is the forum that has three different threads for posting pictures of breasts, butts, and penises, respectively, right?
My main beef with that sort of discussion is that it often verges into symptom analysis, or nitpicking, if you will. Take a habit, a text or a situation that might be sexist, than barter incessantly about the details, circumstances etcetera of why said habit, text or situation might be sexist or not(symptom), instead of using it as an illustration of a particular harmful mindset with regards to gender relations(cause).
Which is not to say one should embrace its opposite, broad ideas that are too abstract to really have any significance or use.
Close enough for vague stoner cynicism.
@captainbrass: I've read the last few pages on that thread now and honestly couldn't stop laughing. Apparently, every single guy I know is a raging misogynist and potential rapist. I've checked out girls, been checked out a girls, and haven't seen anyone say anything bad about it until now. Like a guy from that thread put it:
My guess is that they're so hideous that every girl they ever looked at in their life reacted with utter revulsion, and they're now projecting their personal experiences. Pathetic.
...wait, now it's tropers making fun of goons. I don't remember walking through a mirror or anything like that.
All we now need is some ex-goons, preferably with an interest in history of literature, starting their own forum to point out SA's errors.
lrdgck - There is at least one hate-forum of banned ex-goons somewhere, although I can't remember the name. These things just go round in circles...
There are sites by Ex-goons that mock SA, but they are all terrible.
^Safe for 4chan, perhaps.
"My main beef with that sort of discussion is that it often verges into symptom analysis, or nitpicking, if you will. Take a habit, a text or a situation that might be sexist, than barter incessantly about the details, circumstances etcetera of why said habit, text or situation might be sexist or not(symptom), instead of using it as an illustration of a particular harmful mindset with regards to gender relations(cause)."
Yeah, discussions over social issues do end up going in the "mistaking the tree for the forest" direction a lot.
Anyways, I feel somewhat uncomfortable discussing merits of a feminism outlet on a male-dominated forum and would rather switch the topic. I have my opinions on Something Awful, but they belong in another thread.
One of my colleagues had that story about her friend, who fended off an insufferable admirer in a pub by telling him she's a feminist. Nyuk nyuk.
I don't consider 4chan a hangout for banned ex-goons so much as a goon project that spiraled out of control.
They do check the box with regards to virulent hatred for SA.
*proceeds to take it as veiled way of calling him a misogynist, then desperately tries to prove he 'gets' feminism while being unable to acknowledge the difference in experience that is never fully transferable by discussions on the topic*
...I have no idea how we started talking about politics and stoner cynicism and are now talking about ex-goon SA-hating forums and misogynism and feminism.