If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"
All the NSFW stuff coming off of TVT currently
Like Lola?
^ Among others. Annebeeche and USAF 713/Flyboy/Lightning Knight also came into that category, I think.
@CentralAvenue: In my defence, I didn't create IJBM 2.0.
no, but you admin'd it from the very beginning, no?
I wasn't planning to, but @Longfellow made me an admin.
That said, I haven't taken any leadership role in any of the other spinoffs, such as Troper Tales Wiki, Fetish Fuel Wiki, Beyond the Lampshade, or Heapers' Hangout.
We all know you're Anonus, Annebeeche, Manga Maniac and [whoever founded ffwiki]
I'm hoping they get reinstated -- if nothing else, that would prove I was right and we can actually talk about adult tropes without turning into laughing stocks. Hopefully that would be enough to get this darn ban removed.
And the "10 year old succubus" manga is clean, darnit. At the very least, it's nowhere near as risque as Kodomo No Jikan (which I can't even stomach a little of, yet enough to make an opinion on if it's worth all the squick or not).
I do wish he'd consider the "exh plan," as it would be the best of both worlds. Basically, you'd see a second site sharing the same database as TVTropes. Using a modified variant of the YMMV system (where YMMV tropes cause a bullet point to be a different color) you set up "NSFW tropes" to be hidden via CSS -- the standard site just doesn't display them at all. Then you make a second site where that CSS class ID is not set to hidden. Ta-da. NSFW content is completely segregated from the main site proper.
Google can't be trolled by faux outrage since outside of editing there's no evidence that the content is on the site (cause it's literally not on the site, it's on "MediaTropes" or whatnot), the users who wish to see the full unabridged tropes list can just go to the other domain, etc etc.
Lotte no Omocha still has a fair amount of lolicon fanservice (or at least the anime does. I haven't actually read the manga), even if it is true that it's nowhere near as bad as the premise might suggest. And being less risque than Kodomo No Jikan isn't really saying much, since Kodomo No Jikan seems to go out of its way to be as ecchi as possible without actually being 18+.
The anime is way more fanservicey than the manga. Like an entire order of magnitude more. The first episode was absolute tripe, but episodes 2-10 are fine. (The last two are a gecko ending, but weirdly every element made up for the anime has been added to the manga -- including Lotte's wing tattoo appearing, so who knows.)
The most blatantly fanservice laiden thing in the manga is ironically in the latest chapter of this writing, where they have a flashback when the Queen, er, raped the main character when he was younger. There's no real way to sugar coat that, I guess -- although just how screwed up that is is pointed out a few times. It's still not shown, just dialogue and hands intertwining, but still.
I get why people are put off by the premise, but at the same time to call it porn is just retarded.
Well if you're just talking about its removal from TV Tropes, then it wasn't (entirely) because Eddie or anyone else thinks its actually porn, but because it sexualizes child or child-like characters, which... it does, even if not necessarily to a large extent. I mean, Lolita got taken down too, and nobody thinks Lolita is porn.
If you're talking more generally, then it's likely just people drawing conclusions without reading/watching it based on cursory knowledge, which happens all the time.
I suppose you're right. That it was so knee-jerk (and completely lacked in communication) is my real problem with it -- I was even banned for the "unacceptable position" that the purge wasn't really needed.
Part of the problem is that Fast Eddie, by his own admission, doesn't really pay attention to the anime and manga side of things. There's a bit of a culture shock when you go from one side of the site to the anime / manga side, I mean. Combine that with him being harassed by SomethingAwful for ~11 months or so, and the whole thing being stressful as all getout, and I don't envy his position. I feel bad that I added to that, however inadvertently.
I do wish I could edit trope pages again, though.
I'm going through withdrawals!
Maybe we could talk with TVT leadership about setting up some sort of bot or other service that archives stuff on TVT, so that we can preserve the results of the time and effort put in by the site's contributors to topics and works that are now banned from TVT.
Here you go.
I'm pretty sure Eddie is reading the SomethingAwful thread. I was only banned after they dug up a quote of mine from a conversation Eddie was a part of. He said "it's hard to take that as anything but admission you are a pedophile[I am, but that's now how I meant the sentence to read]."
He offered to let me come back with a different username, but I declined. I know that the other thread here got locked for Eddie bashing, but isn't that a bit hypocritical? He says "well, you're a pedophile, but if you come back with a different username so no one knows you are the same, that's fine".
I think he cares more about what SA thinks of him and the site then the actual people who use it. He never had a problem with loli anime and stuff before. It's not like those pages got there overnight.
Uh, you sure you want to be admitting that to everyone here?
As long as he doesn't rape kids (Or pretends it's a good thing), I'm ok with a little honesty.
Likewise. People can control their behaviour and should be held responsible for it, but they can't control their internal inclinations. It's certainly not a good thing, but nor is it something that makes someone inherently bad.
My analogy's kinda blunt, and if it's too blunt, I apologize, but you know what I mean.
Short version: "Sometimes being too honest is too much"
I didn't think I'd ever see vandro say that
I...I think I need to sit down.
Eh, I don't really care. I only hide it when it's ban worthy, as it was on TV Tropes when I started posting, and I make a point of never outright denying it, which is probably why I didn't fight harder to get my ban lifted. Or did I deny it when I talked to Eddie later? I don't remember. Shrug.
Besides, I was talking about why I was banned. It bothers me It just bugs me.
If I'd just publically admitted a sexual attraction to children, I'd have other things to worry about than being banned from some internet site. How do you expect people to react to that?
TheDarkEricDraven, you should seriously think of getting counselling before things get out of hand and some judge orders you to.
We've had more than one admitted rape fetishist. I'm used to the idea of people having urges to do things they shouldn't do, and so long as they don't actually do those things, I won't put up a fuss.
Confessing that sort of shite casually is just plum dumb, but I don't know enough about your situation to really feel anything other than a vague ickiness about it. Don't know if you've been abused, try to justify your urges, seek therapy and what kinds of fapping material you use, and frankly I don't need to know as long as you realize you have a problem.
...I think you may want to see a shrink if you're that casual about it. I mean, seriously. Admit to that anywhere else besides an obscure internet forum, and you might as well have a death wish.
To be fair, you're certainly no Chagen. He was one creepy mother****er about it.
I just see it as a character trait. I would obviously never hurt a child, or look at real child porn. I don't see what the big deal is. And I'm not seeing a shrink, at least not until I move out on my own. I've been fucked over by the therapists here(long story, unrelated to this) and I'm not willing to give them a second try. I've got it under control. It's fine.
Looking at porn of fictional children doesn't make it okay btw
I guess.