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All right, I'm gonna attempt to explain this without making a moderation-worthy post. Place bets now.
As I've said before: Words have to mean something, and a word whose meaning is too vague is useless. Ergo, one should set about to strictly define what words mean and what qualifies as this or that. I know a lot of people have problems with this philosophy--God forbid they might have to actually adhere to some sort of standard which might contradict what they want to believe. Ultimately, people like to throw standards aside when they become inconvenient. Why don't you prove to me that you're better.
Now, Sexism. A work of fiction is "Sexist" only if women are presented in an especially derogatory way, and its not balanced out by equal treatment of the male characters.
Examples of things that are sexist:
-Women getting abused, and we're not supposed to sympathize.
-The only major girl(s) only exist to be fanservice.
-All the women are portrayed as unrealistically helpless compared to the men (IE "rescue the girl" plots).
Things that are not sexist:
-"Not enough female characters."
-"The female characters don't do anything important!"
-"None of the women are ugly!"
-"A woman dies BAWWW!" (Especially egregious if several men have died and only the woman is getting special attention from you)
Examples of media that are sexist:
-The Fatal Fury OVAs. Mai Shiranui is introduced with an old man grabbing her boobs, which pretty much sets the tone for every scene she's in henceforth.
-The Guyver OVAs. This one is passable (the woman has little personality, but that could be said of practically everyone) until episode 12, when there's a gratuitous scene of her being stripped by a villain. Supposedly he's doing this to make Sho angry, but if that's the case, why not actually hurt her?
Examples of media that are not sexist:
-I Love Lucy. Admittedly I thought this was when one episode ended with Lucy being spanked... but the very next episode I saw ended with Lucy and her friend beating up their husbands. In both cases, the people on the receiving end had done something to deserve it.
-Devil Hunter Yohko. Yes there's a bit of "fanservice" but its a series basically about a woman who can beat up demons that basically nobody else can touch, and pretty much the only characters who ever suffer/die are men.
-Watership Down. Yeah there aren't many women (which actually becomes a plot point) but the few there are, are treated with respect... even when the characters are flat-out saying they want women just to make babies with (so their warren won't die out, so its more of a survival thing). I doubt many people expect real-ish rabbits to have particularly enlightened values anyway.
Okay, peoples: Can anyone come up with a rebuttal that doesn't hinge entirely on "it's wrong because its inconvenient for me"?
-Women getting abused, and we're not supposed to sympathize.
From the Not-sexist pile.
-"A woman dies BAWWW!" (Especially egregious if several men have died and only the woman is getting special attention from you)
-Wartime movie that is.
Is it sexist or not-sexist according to the chart?
Or how about the woman is killed -Non-sexist
but then we get flashbacks to her being tortured?
Why have the females characters at all if they don't do anything important.
From a meta fictional perspective.
This is one of the reasons I listed the Fatal Fury anime. I've never played the games but I would imagine in the hands of a player, Mai Shiranui could kick serious ass. In the anime she's portrayed as basically a dead weight.
I haven't actually read Bleach, though considering Shonen manga is what it is, it wouldn't surprise me if it treated women badly.
How many males are abused in fiction and no one bats an eye?
@Juan: So basically, MLP FIM?
as for Kill Bill, The chinese master and sword maker were useless? ~slaps Juan upside the head~
I loved both Xander and Joxer but they're not the norm by any means for male characters.
When who'se a nazi? The woman, or her abusers?
Like... Say Misa from death note.
Hattori Hanzō
Hattori Hanzō is still the finest swordsmith in the world
And if you don't care about that, don't hide from it. Admit you're doing it and say you don't give a fuck.
Ummm, actually... no. "how they effect literature at large?" The only way you would even know that is if you could see into the future. There are lots of writers, filmmakers etc whose works never affect much of anything!
So unless you're suggesting we should all go in assuming that we're going to be as influential as Alfred Hitchcock, I'm not sure what you're trying to say.