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My mom doesn't play The Sims to torture them into the brink of insanity.

edited 2011-06-19 00:53:07 in General
Isn't that what 90% of the people who play the game do...?


  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-06-19 00:54:59
    One of my friends played a game of it for the sole purpose of inserting all her friends into it.  As I recall I ended up being her alien baby.  Or I had an alien baby.  Something.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I do it to simulate mai waifu Utsuho with the Touhou Sims2 mod. She likes to beat up her neighbor Felia Paed.
  • a little muffled
    I never saw the fun in that, particularly.
  • You don't see the comedy and fun in watching a Sim child watch her parents burn to death in front of her?
  • a little muffled
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Well it's just like Sim city where you destroy a town you just got done creating.

    Destruction is fun but it costs a lot of money.

    Also if I want to get out my torture fantasies I just download GrimSim.
  • What's Grim Sim?
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    My bad, I meant Slave Maker. You know, the knockoff of Princess Maker? You torment the fuck out of cute girls on that game.
  • Oh, that.

    I heard that the creator of that game had some wierd moral hangups about some content he refused to put in.
  • edited 2011-06-19 02:01:34
    [Chagen's] mom doesn't play The Sims to torture them into the brink of insanity.

    Neither do I.  It's... really not fun at all to do that.

    ^ For some reason, it feels weird reading that post, since you're likely referring to something I said...
  • Yeah, you were the one who brought it up in another thread.
  • Umm, this one plays Sims and never considered torturing them. Oh, she loves making their lives interesting - as she sees interesting, of course. Which means that most of them turn into an asocial weirdos, insane geniouses and ghost-lovers, but they also enjoy it.
  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    I heard that the creator of that game had some wierd moral hangups about
    some content he refused to put in.

    To my knowledge, he greatly dislikes Lolicon (although I think he has stated that he tolerates it when other people make loli custom characters). There also seems to be other stuff, but I can't quite remember. But I think he hates rape in hentai, which has effects on the game, which in turn looks really weird considering the theme of the game.
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    >Sims 1
    >My face when I found out babies and poodles of piss are flamable

  • I play it for gay romance.
  • $80+ per session
  • edited 2011-06-19 10:37:44
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > My mom doesn't play The Sims to torture them into the brink of insanity.

    That's what she does!

    * laugh track *
  • ~♥YES♥~! I *AM* a ~♥cupcake♥~! ^_^
    I'm amazed that a certain cracked article hasn't been linked yet...
  • Me too.

    I was gonna inb4 that.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Oh, I love killing the stupid your mom joke meme by applying it to completely useless and non-sexual situations.
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