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When people with much larger problems than I complain

edited 2011-02-07 21:31:21 in General
Dammit, stop making me look like a whiner to myself when I privately wallow in my own misery. Can't I be free from judgment from even myself?


  • Just because some people have larger suffering doesn't make your suffering meaningless. Or stop it from being a shitty day.
  • edited 2011-02-07 21:39:35
    This is problem I have in general. I know that sometimes people say that one should consider all of the people less fortunate than oneself in order to put things in perspective. Yet, when I do that, I tend to just feel guilty more than anything and that certainly does not make me feel better about myself.

    From what I can tell, problems are still problems regardless of if they are large or small. Still, I think the proper response to some smaller ones may be to try to downplay them or accept them and keep chugging along.

    Honestly, what I just said may be a bit off though since my problems are so incredibly insignificant compared to those I see other people discuss both here and on TV Tropes that I probably should not be talking about this subject.
  • Sometimes I feel guilty when I feel sad/mopey, too.
  • Some days we need to feel like that. Feeling only happiness would be...unbalanced. We need other emotions too.
  • You won't feel guilty if you think your problems are worse than yours.

    Sure, there are people starving in Africa, but none of them are on this forum, therefore, my problems are more important.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • ^ I never got what that face meant.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
  • What's so what about it?

    Not all of us feel driven to dump money into a charity, or go to Africa ourselves and save the starving people.

    All the "Africa has it worse" arguments only aim to equal "Shut the fuck up, you are wrong" in it's most bare sense.

    I bet I could go over to the insecurities threads and say "There are people starving in Africa, and you are going to whine about something as stupid as this?" and you will understand why I give the least amount of fucks about that country.

    Thanks to that country I can never talk about my problems. Until somebody fills their stomachs, I can never ask for help on any personal problems.

    Which is why they must be destroyed fed as much food as possible, through the means of intervention on a country-wide basis, rather than a few white people buying loafs of bread.
  • edited 2011-02-08 14:40:25
    You failed geography on purpose. Right? Right?
  • edited 2011-02-08 14:48:25
    That reminded me of this.

    Every time somebody mentions that word, that voice reads it like that in my head.
  • edited 2011-02-08 14:55:32
    No, I just refuse to fix the meaning of what I said to keep it as close to the terms everyone else uses as possible.

    Nobody goes "There are a questionable difficult number of people starving in Africa, not the entire country as a whole, as well as a few other countries that people absolutely refuse to acknowledge in the argument as well"
  • So, who's the president of Africa?
  • I honestly don't really care for the term "complaining" in general.  Sometimes people just need to vent; it's often the first step in actually taking care of a problem.  I can tell you from experience that keeping stuff bottled up inside, even if it seems small compared with something else, does not do good things for your emotional well-being. 
  • Sounds like you just dislike the connotation.
  • Well yeah, that'd be the gist of it.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    Same here. I feel like "complaining" has a negative connotation that doesn't always apply.
  • Indeed.  I only consider something complaining when it gets way too out of hand, and it's clear that the person doesn't actually want to solve the problem and just likes feeling bitter.
  • In my head, Gelzo's avatar looks like Jay and Silent Bob from the clerks cartoon, very vaguely, but its the first image my head brings up when I look at it. It makes his replies very fitting.
  • OOOooooOoOoOOoo, I'm a ghoOooOooOOOost!
    ^Even better for fitting his replies: the guy on the right is putting his fingers in his ears to cut down on noise.
  • Heheheh, Silent Bob.
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