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Some time back, I tried creating a tabletop version of the Elder Scrolls series. I've long since abandoned that project.
I started one thread about it in the xkcd forums, and another in the Giant in the Playground forums. In the xkcd thread, somebody asked me about percentile systems, and I said this:
>"The thing is, skills progress, and once skills reach 100 or beyond in a % system, the game is already broken since failure is impossible. And none of the proposed solutions to this problem I've seen have been satisfactory."
But then I looked at the GitP thread, and I noticed something: some account named evalauran copied what I said about percentile systems word-for-word, and they weren't even talking about that in the GitP thread.
Then I looked up this evalauran person, and it turns out that they're a spammer, on just about every forum you'd care to name. In their signature was a link to some pay-to-translate site, but here's the question: how does copying my post further their profits or Google traffic or whatever?
Also combo breaker.
beyond in a % system, the thread is already broken since posting is
impossible. And none of the proposed breaks to this combo I've seen
have been satisfactory.