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Lady GaGa

edited 2011-05-27 22:19:23 in Media
You're talented. You're beautiful (yeah, yeah, subjektivity, YMMV, blah blah blah). You're kharismatik. But what stands out most about you, or rather, what trait do you tshoose to aksentuate the most?

The fakt that you're the most obnoxious attention whore ever.

Instead of playing up your piano playing skills or your ability to write some truly amazing songs, you run around kovered in nutella (whitsh, delisious as it is, doesn't kount as klothing) with dildo shoes and weird shit on / in your fase. Now, this isn't that big a problem. In fakt, it was one of the reasons I loved you for a minute. But when it gets in the way of your aktual talent, that's when it's going too far.

On that note, WTF, GaGa? What is up with "Born This Way" (the album, naturally)? Edge of Glory? Really? It's like you were too busy throwing random shit into that song to fokus on, you know, making sure it didn't sound like krap. Granted, the sax solo is pretty awesome, but that's pretty mutsh it. Born This Way (the song) is just the same repetitive boring generik klub song we've been listening to sinse the 80s. Sheiße? Seriously, did you just rip some musik from a random kar kommersial and put some fake German into it along with a random German swear word? GaGa, you're better than this. You know it, I know it, your fans know it. Just bekause it gets you on TV or name-dropped in some random person's blog doesn't make it good.

Please, go bak to your roots.


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