If you have an email ending in @hotmail.com, @live.com or @outlook.com (or any other Microsoft-related domain), please consider changing it to another email provider; Microsoft decided to instantly block the server's IP, so emails can't be sent to these addresses.
If you use an @yahoo.com email or any related Yahoo services, they have blocked us also due to "user complaints"

Post-thread anxiety.



  • Chagen: I can understand your fear, since based on that post you think the people you're talking to are...genocidal maniacs? But the responses are all very polite. Enough so that I'm tempted to sign up there just on that basis.

    And hello lurkers. Usually I'm one of you, I think.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

  • We would love to have you, Protega.
  • Okay, sweet.
  • I'm still reserving doubts as to the supposed calmness of the comments.

    I still have that "the whole world is lying to you, never trust anyone no matter what they say, they only want to hurt you" thing in my head.

  • edited 2011-05-04 08:03:08
    Because you never know what you might see.
    They seemed pretty calm to me.  Have you read them yet?

    And you'd better get that out of your head, hadn't you?  It's bollocks.  It basically amounts to you assuming that everybody else sucks no matter what they're actually like, which is pretty stupid, isn't it?
  • ^^Just read them, please. You can see for yourself if they're calm or not. Jeez.
  • Christ, you'd think we raped him.

    Actually, Impatiens probably DID rape him.

  • Because you never know what you might see.
    rape jokes lolololol
  • Rape is never funny unless it's man on man.

  • Rape is only funny if its freaky alien sex beast on fire.
  • ^^^Nice comment/avatar combo there.
  • Does a horrifying tentacle monster plant with 9001 dickroots and vagina dentata count as a freaky alien sex beast? I can even do the "on fire" part, since rapeplants don't die.
  • And incidentally, it's the stupid regulars who get the most vitriol. We may mock stupid drive-bys, but you kind of have to earn the full extent of our ire. Except WMDKitty, but she's one of the aforementioned stupid regulars.
  • I think I'd like to meet this WMDKitty.

  • When in Turkey, ROCK THE FUCK OUT
    He pops up often in the comment sections, methinks. 
  • I'll share this post from L here, since Chagen really needs to read it:
    "Chagen, kid, assuming you're going to remain in some sort
    of spiritual stasis from age 18 onward is, frankly, pretty damn stupid.
    Nobody can afford to remain stagnant. You HAVE to grow and change,
    whether it's as a Christian, an atheist, a Pagan, or something else.

    you know how old I was when I decided on my current Path? 22. And I
    got there after 5 years of college, a miscarriage, several bouts of
    suicidal depression, and years of acting like nothing I did could ever
    come back to bite me in the ass (followed by utter shock every time they
    did invariably come back to bite me in the ass). You have a lot of
    growing up to do--and the thing about life is, you never stop growing up. No one here is the same person they were ten or even five years ago.

    Dont pigeonhole yourself into a narrow role at your age. You WILL
    change your mind about SOMETHING eventually, and it's usually something
    you thought was set in stone."
  • I thought that was one of the better parts of the thread.
  • I still haven't actually read the thread.

    Hell, I have not even gone on FSTDT at all since I made it.
  • edited 2011-05-04 22:02:54
    Pony Sleuth
    Starting a thread without intending to read or participate in it? That sounds like...

  • I did intend to read it.

    But then I got so ashamed of it that I just stayed away from it out of cowardice.

    Actually think when you read my posts.
  • "Actually think when you read my posts."

    See, that needs to stop. He wasn't being serious, unless he was, then he's a dick, but he wasn't, so no need to get so hostile.
  • I haven't been paying close attention to this thread. But I think it's certainly impolite to put forth an inflammatory opinion without being prepared to see the responses.
  • I was prepared to read the responses.

    Then I hit "submit thread" and realized how much of a fucking dumbass I was.
  • You could've immediblanked it.
  • That just looks weird though.

    And I can't change titles on FSTDT's board, too.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Chagen, come on.

    Just read the thread.  I've seen way, way worse than this directed at you before.
  • edited 2011-05-04 22:28:20
    Pony Sleuth
    "Knowledge is no more expensive than ignorance, and at least as satisfying."

    —Barrin, master wizard

This discussion has been closed.