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  • The fringe ones never really make any impact, so it sounds way more colourful than it actually is, but I like that we sometimes have one-issue parties make enough waves to nab one seat, then proceed to carve out a niche in the news.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I can second that. Recently, the honest leftie party had some antics casting a text of a negative court ruling on the current government's antics onto, I don't remember, the facade of the presidential palace or what. The ruling guys, the little self-righteousies they are, called it an act of vandalism. Words can't break you bones, but they can damage the plasterwork, eh?
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Or send prominent public figures into a spiral of hissy-fits. 

    The downfall of Tony Abbot in Australia was an amazing example of this. It's unfortunate that his replacement (from the same party), Malcolm Turnbull, feels inclined to follow closely comparable policy paths. For all the foibles of the previous Labor government (and there were plenty), they were essentially pointing Australia towards the future -- now we're one of the grossly exploitative Western democracies. Which is important, because while Australia is not a world power, it's the major Western power of the Asiatic region. Our domestic policy decisions are influential in the local international area in the same way that US domestic policy can set the agenda for foreign nations worldwide. 
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Question for @lrdgck

    What is the eastern European perspective on offensive jokes against one's ethnicity, said by someone not of that ethnicity?
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    That depends.
    First thing to consider: some parts of more-eastern-than-Germany Europe prefer the term "central", so to avoid association with those more to the east. Not that it matters, but I thought it might be interesting to you, might (or might not) shed some additional light on what I will say later. Second: I can't speak for everyone, you would probably like to ask Weaver for additional information.
    As for the third, I've had an interesting observation back on TVT. You know there's a couple of Russia and Eastern Europe-related threads in TVT's On-Topic subforum, right? So, for some time there've been actual Russian folks (and some wannabe pricks too) in there, bringing with them a very Russian point of view. (Funnily enough, our good old friend Beholderess found in herself entire layers of nationalist zeal that she would be first to deny mere year or two ago.) These folks spent plenty of electrons on describing how there's a part of Russian society that we would call liberal middle class, and they would call self-hating pseudointellectual dicks, and that this crowd has a perverse pleasure in decrying Russian vices, criticizing Russian society, so on and so forth in a pathetic attempt to prove to themselves they are "modern" and "Western".
    So, why am I bringing this up.
    Around here, what these posters said is a lot like right-wing rhetoric. You know, "ebul liberals want us to feel ashamed of being [insert nationality/ethnicity]!", that sort of stuff. I wonder if they realize that, what with nationalist rightwinger types being the kind of people they try not to present themselves as, but enough of the digression. In other words, the kind of folks you talk to impacts the reaction you get. Someone who is already distanced from the "patriotic" (for lack of a better word; I'd like to stress that I use it as a neutral term, not as a sarcastic one) discourse most assuredly wouldn't mind it in any case, the others - would probably take some offence. Some, as in ranging from "yeah, smartarse" to "HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE MOTHERLAND YOU LITERALLY A NAZI". (That is, of course, assuming this isn't friendly ribbing. I kind of assumed you ask me about the situation along the lines of a foreigner telling nasty jokes to other foreigners, without overt bad will, but also with an overt lack of good will towards the butt of the joke.) The people who treat that sort of stuff too seriously end up being butt of the joke to most of the remaining populace, but that does not mean said rest of the populace does not mind it at all.

    tl;dr version: generally on the negative side.
  • > people on IJBM are TAs

    fuck, I feel inferior now

    I'm still an undergrad >_<
  • Do people still use this weird site?
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    I have run this red pen dry.  Thankfully, I have another.  But this is a good time for me to go to sleep and wake up in four hours for my flight.
  • > people on IJBM are TAs

    fuck, I feel inferior now

    I'm still an undergrad >_<

    I'm an undergrad TA, which is apparently far more common on my campus than most places.

  • Do people still use this weird site?

    No, you're just hallucinating.
  • ijbm does not exist
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Tatterhood wrote: »

    I'm an undergrad TA, which is apparently far more common on my campus than most places.

    I was an undergrad TA too.
  • Tatterhood wrote: »
    > people on IJBM are TAs

    fuck, I feel inferior now

    I'm still an undergrad >_<

    I'm an undergrad TA, which is apparently far more common on my campus than most places.

    oh yeah, we have those too

    basically there's so many undergrads here that if they only used grad students as TAs there wouldn't possibly be enough to go around
  • Naas_Human wrote: »
    Do people still use this weird site?

    No, you're just hallucinating.

    Sounds about right, this whole site is like a bunch of weird memories of the life of a very cringey past version of myself.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Naas_Human wrote: »
    Do people still use this weird site?

    No, you're just hallucinating.

    Sounds about right, this whole site is like a bunch of weird memories of the life of a very cringey past version of myself.

    You can make a new account if you want.
  • Naas_Human wrote: »
    Do people still use this weird site?

    No, you're just hallucinating.

    Sounds about right, this whole site is like a bunch of weird memories of the life of a very cringey past version of myself.

    You can make a new account if you want.

    But then nobody would recognize me.  ...Actually that doesn't sound so bad,
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"


    "Hairy balls" redirects here. For the mayor of Fort Wayne, see Harry Baals.

    Oh c'mon. (The story of the mayor is no better, while I'm at it.)

  • edited 2016-03-19 01:48:04
    Today I got my first client that threatens to kill us (over the phone). I was wondering when something like that would happen.
  • >Gawker verdict is violation of press freedom
    Seriously, fam, if the Hulk's racism is what's so important about it, you could just have posted those as audio segments. 
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    The Hulk is racist? To be honest, I'm not well-versed in comic book lore.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think he means Hogan.
  • edited 2016-03-24 22:42:54
    Diet NEET
    I presented the paper finished on the boat, and the conference was lovely. Freudian analysis of Twin Peaks, clothing in '50-'60s series and how they reflect character traits, and fan culture and new materialism in harem animu (the last one's me) made for an awesome panel (apparently I got in as an in-progress MA and some PhDs got rejected).
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    One wonders what would grow out of her (well, "her") on a longer time scale.
  • Since it was the doing of 4chan users, probably something like this.
  • They did this ages ago to another bot: https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Bucket
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I meant, if the bot had enough interaction with normal people, would it mellow out in the long run. It was right there on Twitter, you didn't have to look for it wherever on some programmer's personal site. So I figured it wouldn't be resigned to exclusive interaction with 4chan folks and the occasional lost netizen.
  • >Twitter
    >normal people
    It's pundit purgatory. There are no enclaves of sanity there.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Still, that's not the image of 4chan hunting grounds. But whatever.
  • Today I got my first client that threatens to kill us (over the phone). I was wondering when something like that would happen.

    Huh, turns out it's not (AFAIK) one of our clients but rather somebody who's bent on harassing and threatening me.
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