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It Gets Better by Fun.(not about the slogan)

I feel like Fun. composed this on a dare, because it's horrible and it sounds nothing like anything else on the album it's on.
I've never really liked Fun to begin with. I'm not sure but their sound just irks me.
I really like Fun, they're one of my favorites.
And I don't think that song is horrible.
There's something vague about the guy's voice that annoys me.
Somehow, I don't find his voice annoying but I know exactly what you are talking about.
I don't mind them, except for "We Are Young".
I think I would've liked "We Are Young" had it not been for the guy's voice and godawful chorus.
I hate We Are Young.
everybody hates we are young
even your mom
otherwise you live in hell
I don't.
I was okay with the song, until every fucking area in EDC sampled the damn song.
Speaking of which, Gangnam Style is probably gonna face worse this year.
I tried to listen to We Are Young once but luckily all I remember now is how blatant a Windows Phone commercial the music video was.
I also also like "We Are Young".
hell is other people
I mainly find the chorus to "We Are Young" to be one of the most amazingly boring combinations of words I've ever heard used in song lyrics.