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I was bored at the anime convention. (And it's actually my fault.)
Guys, guys, I'd like some cosplay suggestions.
Here's a relatively old pic.
I can shave if necessary.
@At Alex's appearance: I just imagine you looking like Malk with a beard.
Hey people, you don't have to go to an anime convention, y'know.
I tried this and then realized that I wasn't enjoying it very much.
^^ Pretty close to the mark. Also, spectacles.
what if i enjoy going to one even though i don't, huh
it's always like this, glenn. you never take into account my feelings. ;~;
Re: not having to go to an anime convention: Well, yeah, but I think in the end I am more of an anime-watcher than a gamer or comic-reader or anything. Even though I don't really do any of those things much.
And Frances is more of an anime fan than anything of those other nerdy things too, though also still not much of one. And we are dead-set on going to a convention together. So naturally we'd go to Anime Boston and not PAX East or Boston ComicCon.
Re Cho-Marisa -
Why is that huge, muscular bearded guy wearing what looks like a maid's uniform and carrying a broom? Is the answer just "Because it's anime" or is there actually a reason?
It's a genderflip of a female character. The Cho presumably comes from the drawing style of a series of fruity shooters called Cho-Aniki were all the men are overtly muscular like that.
On a related note, though I'm pretty deep into MLP, I'd never attend a meet-up: judging from the Dutch/Belgian meet-up pics, they're all overweight highschoolers and don't bring alcohol to their gigs.
Marisa is a character from the Touhou series of games, essentially a kleptomaniac witch with a taste for irreverence. Her claim to fame is being one of a very limited number of mortals that can use magic properly. Cho-Marisa is a fan exaggeration of her tendency to engage in the masculine, given she's pretty much the most masculine character in a cast full of women. Technically there's a male or two, but they seem to have been pretty much forgotten.
Get it, ze?
MadassAlex - Thanks.
You're tall and skinny enough to pull of a David Tennant?
I once joked about cosplaying as Shinji. White buttoned shirt with pocket protector, and black trousers.
Plugsuit or gtfo Glenn.
You know you want to go to a convention in a plugsuit, Glenn.
I still need to play Catherine, because I want to go to a convention as Vincent. Mostly because it should be relatively easy to scrounge it together.
Everest - waking Vincent, or sporting his heart boxers, pillow and ram horns in the nightmares Vincent?
^ Post-timeskip Simon?
There are no other conventions on at the time I'm already going up, as far as I know.
Haven't decided yet. Probably waking/regular, since I doubt I'll be able to get abs in about two months' time.
Yeah, for a skinny slacker, Vincent is kinda ripped.
Cosplay, huh? No idea which character do I resemble the most, so I am kinda stuck.
If I'd ever go there, I would go for cheap and easy: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cardboard-box-gundam
A) That's not a bad idea.
I haven't stopped laughing since I clicked that link.
It bothers me that Cardbox Gundam is not an actual show.
...that would explain that one guy who came in a cardboard box labeled "GUNDAM".
man, you guys are totally approaching the 'con experience the wrong way. you don't go JUST for panels or JUST for the game room or JUST for cosplay, you go for shenanigans that involve all of the above. I mean, I spent half of last otakon running around in a rubber horse mask and standing in the background of people's pictures, and the other half taking a bunch of pictures and hanging out in various places.