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  • No rainbow star
    ...HOW DOES THA-...I'm getting out of here before I get raped by a grocery store
  • edited 2011-03-21 04:39:53
    ^^^Yeah, about that... I'm raising our child with my new boyfriend that I got on the rebound about five minutes ago. Sorry.
  • We get new daddy now?
  • Woah, a kid? I hope that by new boyfriend you DIDN'T mean me. I don't want ANYTHING to do with kids!
  • No rainbow star
    You know, out of morbid curiosity, how does sex even work?

    I mean... What about 24 hour stores? What... What happens to the people inside those during the act...?
  • Pfft, get over yourself! Obviously I was talking about Target! Duh!
  • Well... Um... Good th-then...


    ;.; forever alone ;.;

  • ^^^ You don't wanna know, trust me.

    @kroger: Sweet!  Let's get outta here (and sue Piggly Wiggly for some major child support while we're at it!)  C'mon Radio Shack, I'm your father now!

  • No rainbow star
    ^ But I do Target! Please tell me!

    ...Because I really want to see whether or not it is worth the risk to shop in said stores. And I need to know exactly what happens in order to decide
  • No, trust me Icala, Target is right. You don't want to know.

    I know I didn't. #_#
  • No rainbow star
    Now I REALLY want to know!

    Come on, it can't be as bad as when I was mistaken for a female Skitty by a male Wailord...
  • Don't worry, shopping in said stores will not be any less safe for you, I promise.  So... is grocery store sockpuupet thatre over?  Does anyone want to reveal which puppets were theirs?
  • No rainbow star
    I still want to know how sex between stores works! [Safeway was me. Internet Explorer kept trying to crash, however. Chrome and Firefox are far better. Firefox for my main, Chrome for... Other sock puppets]
  • -sigh-  What you need is a book, Icala.  And possibly a visit to a shrink...  Oh, and in case any of you were wondering, I was Meijer, Piggly Wiggly, Target, and Radio Shack, in that order.
  • No rainbow star
    ...No, what I need is to know how store sex works! D:
  • BobBob
    edited 2011-03-21 05:08:24
    Guuuuurl, what you need is to shut yo bitch ass up! I'm gettin tired of this shit!

    [Kroger, Walmart, & Kmart, in that order]
  • No rainbow star

    Is it really so weird that I want to know how stores have sex?
  • Yes. It's not quite as weird as stores having sex in the first place, but it's pretty weird.
  • Icala, I think the real reason neither of us have answered you is because we're both too tired to come up with a witty enough joke answer.  We burnt out most of our humor during the sock-fest. 
  • No rainbow star
    But in the context of the thread...?
  • I have no clue.  All I can really think about right now if how, when everyone sees what we've done with this thread in the morning, they're all going to start posting reaction images and laughing at us.

    Come to think of it, Bob and I are kind of like forum elves or something....  Like, when everyone else is in bed, she and I show up to flood the place with random crap.

  • Hey! I prefer the term "forum faerie"! >:[
  • No rainbow star
    I like the term Forum Gremlin :D
  • O U.  Fine, from now on we can be the forum mythical creatures squad.  As soon as night falls, we'll show up to cause mischeif and stuff!  ...Provided we're all here and don't have something better to do.
  • -squees as only a faerie could-
  • No rainbow star
    *makes a sound that gremlins make as only a gremlin could*
  • What?? There was finally a showdown between all the grocery stores and I missed it??

    That's it, I'm never going to sleep again.
  • Sorry Central.  I would have invited you, but I was busy juggling four sockpuppets all at once.  Best.  Night.  Ever.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    EVEN ON IJBM2, F.O.E.!
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