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edited 2011-12-05 19:59:14 in Wonderful posts
Feel The Wrath....
Everyone, lets rage as much as possible!



  • Shut up! It's not over! Everybody betray me! I fed up with this whorl!

    Get out. Get out. Get out of my life.

    *weakly pushes things over and pulls out drawers and bed sheets*

  • edited 2011-12-05 20:35:35
    Give us fire! Give us ruin! Give us our glory!
    You can't top Khorne, bitch.

  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Neo, that is glorious.
  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.
    Fuck you all.
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

  • Likes cheesecake unironically.
    I have to say, my interest in that game is not very high. I heard pretty good things about it, but also not so good things. At least, it seems to be decent, maybe I will get it some time when the price falls.

    Still, it seems that ID promised more than they delivered.
  • But you never had any to begin with.
    ^ *slow clap*
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    le me
    le derpin around mall
    le crazy christian lady
    le she says she believes in le God
    le I calmly refute all of her points using le science
    le she starts screaming and says i'm going to le hell
    le are you serious face
    le true story
  • ^^^ Most of them have probably never Played a Cyber Connect 2 game before.

    Also, He's just the First Deity you defeat.

    And he's full fo RAAAAAAGGGGGGEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • edited 2011-12-06 09:35:25
    Feel The Wrath....
    Even most of the Trash Talk is made of rage


  • Le Interactive Cutscene: The Game
  • Intentional, as it's part of the scoring system, and you don't have to pree most of them unless you want a high score. Besides, it's awesome, so it makes up for it. And it's also a boss fight, so of course it would have more interactivity to it.

    AND IT'S PURE RAGE!!!!!!

    Also, will have a penny arcade comic done as a promotional pre order item from gamestop:

  • Le Interactive Cutscene & Button Mashing: The Game-Style Over Substance(let our boss fights distract you from the lack of gameplay!)*

    *does not know the first thing about the game, is only trying to make people rage.

  • Alright, Just research the game first, and play it when it comes out. This is raging out of fun, not raging out of frustration!


  • edited 2011-12-06 11:30:22
    Likes cheesecake unironically.
    From the bit I learned about Asura's Wrath, the entire game is about Asura being angry for some reason. The entire game. And everything around it. The game starts with Asura being angry and ends with Asura being angry. Everything that happens in the game, may it be cutscene or actual game does that just because Asura is being angry. The graphics, the sound, the everything in the game is like it is because Asura is angry. There is a fucking huge-ass sword that reaches into space because Asura is angry. The game is programmed, the developer team was assembled just because Asura is angry. Demongodofchaos is fanboy for a game that isn't out yet because Asura is angry (that may actually be the case, since Asura being angry apparently appeals to him). I flanderize the main character of a video game that isn't out yet because Asura is agnry. I write this post because Asura is angry (that is indirectly the case too).

    Needless to say Asura is angry this thread and the PA poster aren't exactly helping.
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