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Modern Science Fiction

edited 2011-08-09 22:22:30 in Media
Yes, I know I've complained about this before, but really. So many sci-fi writers nowadays are spending too much time either wanking over how we'll all be atheistic hypersexual/asexual gods come the singularity, going on for hours about how toilets will work in space, or going into cynical bouts of hyper-desparing pessimism over the disenchantment of the world and joining some kind of neurology death cult instead of actually making stories that are meaningful in today's society, or even entertaining in any way.


  • You could give William Gibson's Bigend books a try. It doesn't fit those descriptions and his prose is so stylish and sexy that it doesn't matter if the plot and characters are kind of shit.

    Transmetropolitan plays it both ways. It presents a shitty world, but still stresses hope for the future and the importance of altruism.
  • edited 2011-08-09 23:44:37
    They are a product of their time, the whole way we view technology nowadays, and the culture associated with this new production model, means we won't be getting a lot of sci-fi like that of the old times...

    ... Doesn't mean they couldn't at least try to tell a story.
  • The Lost Fleet series

    Read it.
  • We clearly read different sections of SciFi.  Hang out in MilSciFi some time.
  • lol John Ringo
  • One foot in front of the other, every day.
    Watch a relatively recent movie called Moon. It's in the vein of old-school sci-fi.

    For what it's worth, I see the trend you're pointing out. Old-school sci-fi tended to ask "what if?" in a way that confronted us as the same human beings we are today dealing with the challenges of the future. I think this is why so many of those books and films can be considered relevant today and have aged pretty well.

    Take Alien, for instance. The "what if?" is about first contact with a complex species that defies our expectations of what an alien organism can be.

    I guess what we have a lot of today is space opera, or action with sci-fi clothes on.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    List books that do this Myrmidon
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