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  • edited 2019-04-02 18:32:39
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Anyways my point was I'd totally pay for said button and also a language censor thing.


    Seriously, the best way to handle stuff like this is simply to have two versions available: censored and uncensored. Then people can be free to pick whichever one they want to enjoy.
  • edited 2019-04-03 04:58:18
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    It seems ever since streaming services took off and the entertainment market became hyper-segmented they just decided since adults aren't going to watch [whatever] with impressionable youngsters it was no longer necessary.

    Plus whatever lobbying brought mild (to-not-mild) swearing to PG-13 movies.

    Oh, yeah:

    >politicians wonder why people don't seem to trust their ability to do things
    >can't Brexit for two years straight
    >need extension on groupwork because nobody can even agree what project they're doing
    >complain that it's group-leader's fault for trying her gosh-darned hardest
    >hold meeting to decide on new project without group leader
    >repeat steps 3-6... forever?
  • edited 2019-04-03 15:39:28
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    It's because Brexit was a horrible idea in the first place, and now we have basically the following groups of people:
    * "OMG we love Brexit, screw all good sense, I just want to spite the EU over some money and/or immigration issues"
    * "so Brexit may have been a bad idea but we can't say that because the idea did technically pass in a referendum even if people didn't take it very seriously but like we have to figure out some way to make it happen now or we're even more screwed"
    * "can Brexit please remove itself from existence because Brexit is a horrible idea"

    Of these groups of people, the third deserve my support, the second deserve my derision, and the first deserve an obscene gesture.
  • edited 2019-04-04 05:19:58
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Brexit was a bad idea, but it was a terrible idea David Cameron and his government brought into existence. No matter how bad stuff may be, they have to deal with it one way or the other.

    It seems the one thing everybody can (marginally) agree on is even more extensions, which the EU will probably gladly accept despite their PR hardball. I mean, eventually maybe people will notice that the British parliament is basically playing for some sort of double negative where they do somehow manage to erase Brexit but I'd really rather they just do the thing they were asked even if it is a nightmare.

    For some reason I still want to say "so people can learn to treat the democratic process with respect" even though Donald Trump is the president of the USA because a bunch of people made him president and somehow those same people want more of Donald Trump being president.

    On the Democratic side, we have the cult of Joe Biden who somehow all forgot that putting Joe Biden in front of a camera ever is a severely bad idea (he already accidentally announced he was running for president), then somehow marveled when it turned out he has personal space issues (before of course immediately rushing to turn this into a Big Deal where there were more victims of his... awkwardness?).

    Of course this is all just sucking away air from any of their viable candidates and the many things they've done wrong.

    I understand that there are genuine people who have genuinely suffered at the hands of others, but taking the energy of a faux #MeToo campaign against every one of your own candidates (Amy Klobuchar is a difficult boss!) in addition to all of this painfully overwrought value signalling (Pete Buttigieg is nowhere near gay enough, apparently? Beto O'Rourke is... white!) is only serving to hurt everybody's prospects.

    But like, nothing really matters till primaries so all of this is just a bunch of hot air that even I'm caught up in.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Talking 'bout Brexit, I kinda-sorta secretly hope it'll end up with united Ireland, independent Scotland optional. No particular rational reason, just something of a soft spot for the underdog and Schadenfreude towards those who voted Leave.
  • Uff, finally managed to connect. The blackout situation has been much better these last four days (not so much elsewhere), and I've been crazy productive using the opportunuty to git gud at programming.

    Unsurprisingly, no internet service though, either because of stolen cables (there's a cut off one I'm pretty sure wasn't there earlier) or because of a problem (unrelated to the blackouts) I was told they're having at the central. Data plan fees are high now so I'm really going to need it back at some point, until then I'm going to be posting much less.

    As for Brexit, they really messed up by putting themselves in a situation where you can't call it off without implying you only care about democracy when people choose the way you want to.

    Also, fuck currency controls.
  • edited 2019-04-05 16:11:06
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Hope you can get your connection back soon.

    The part of me that wants things to be new and different all the time wishes that another Brexit referendum would still result in a leave vote (I mean, it wouldn't be hard to double down on "The politicians are in bed with the EU!!!1!!1!!/It's all a CONSPIRACY").

    Yeah I'm not a fan of currency controls either (they used to be really bad here when I was a kid just starting out collecting stuff) but I don't like the idea of big multinationals essentially doing Yet Another Thing they can do that the average layman can't even dream of.

    I tried reading a few alternative takes of the Joe Biden thing aside from my usual haunts (read: Vox is being particularly insane about this and I just don't agree with their seemingly endless take on it) and it turns out [places I will not dare to even link other people to] that claim they're "standing away from the insanity of the right and the left" are actually just secret soft conservatives with all that pervasive heteronormativity and other stuff that usually comes with said territory.

    So, yeah, I learned my lesson. I feel particularly daft about this actually, and a little disappointed in myself even.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    TL;DR political opinions are fucky
  • edited 2019-04-06 04:37:23
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Sometimes I read thelocal.no, which is a site with (sometimes) regular news updates about Norway in English. The funny stories are usually just like "Norwegians leave home for the summer to read creepy-crime thrillers in state-sponsored cabins, which are usually the #1 place for people to get murdered at the end of a creepy-crime thriller" or "These places are totally haunted" but this week's was really weird;
    I just now realized that the site is basically called "The Local No".
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    I coded a simple program today, a script to count predators and prey through the Lotka-Volterra equations. Seems to work. Most of the problems stemmed from mathematics, not the code (which was pretty much a simple loop). That's exercise enough for now, but I guess tomorrow I might polish the input/output and some other stuff like that.
  • Internet connection is go. Apparently the cables were fine and it was just a problem at the central. I did a good job preparing for lengthy periods of time without 'net, I still have much offline material to burn through. Still, gotta download more, the more the merrier.

    Also for some reason my household has been spared from the massive energy rationing plan going on in Zulia.

    Gotta keep going.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    So, there are news about the next Star Wars episode. I went to check wikipedia to see if there are any details, and...
    Ian McDiarmid as Sheev Palpatine / Darth Sidious / The Senate

    Unfortunately some killjoy spotted it during (what here was) the night.
  • Come on, it's way past overused that the only places where it's still alive are where going beyond overuse is expected.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    IJBM: the aspect of internet culture that puts so much attention on people's reactions to things.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Well, at some point in the early 2010s somebody sold journalists and other media houses on the idea that they needed to drive engagement online.

    Now we get articles from professional news sources that are just "some people said this, but other people said the opposite, fair and balanced!" when really, nothing is, and most of the dialogue on either side is over-inflamed grandstanding.

    Unless you meant YouTube reaction videos or reaction images, in which case those suck too.

    Anyways, a few days ago I think I may have given a knee-jerk reaction to the allegations against Joe Biden. I already knew his candidacy was a bad idea, and what he was accused of seems light in comparison to what's happened to others.

    But, as a person in a position of power over others, he should have known better despite (or even because of) his touchy instincts. I mean, he certainly made a great number of people severely uncomfortable in way that was totally avoidable.
  • edited 2019-04-15 07:49:11
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    That thought was catalyzed by the "thanks! I hate it!" meme, which is one of many fads involving reacting to things:
    * thanks! i hate it
    * various subreddits on odd finds on the internet, e.g. "title gore"
    * kids/teens/etc. react to whatever
    * YTP-watching reaction videos
    * virtue signaling (or what i call "social posturing") by having and disseminating opinion on controversies (to the point where a person not having an opinion can occasionally be seen as implicitly condoning something)
    * chat logs screenshot and posted just to show someone doing something stupid
    * or outrageous
    * "let's troll people and post the result online"
    * etc.

    i liked it more when memes involved more creativity than just reacting to stuff.
  • edited 2019-04-15 08:18:40
    * various subreddits on odd finds on the internet, e.g. "title gore"

    Those aren't really reacting to things since the posts are just whatever relevant thing with submitted as-is.

    edit: the first "odd finds" subreddit that came to mind for me was r/engrish and despite hundreds of thousands of "readers", most posts have very few replies, and quite a few with none at all, looking through the first few pages.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    I think finding random cool things on the internet isn't too bad, so those subreddits are fine.
    to the point where a person not having an opinion can occasionally be seen as implicitly condoning something

    "occassionally", he says.
  • various subreddits on odd finds on the internet, e.g. "title gore"
    chat logs screenshot and posted just to show someone doing something stupid

    Those are the best ones tho
  • edited 2019-04-15 21:23:41
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    How does this video's maker go from "This is one of the most frustrating gyms EVER" (at around 9:58) and "This game is unfair. This game is seriously ridiculous. I have never played a more frustrating game than this. ...yes I have; Mario games suck." (at around 10:29) to "I'm loving this!" (at 11:18)? All just within the course of a single pokémon battle. It's like, he hates it when he's losing and loves it when he's winning, and there's like no middle ground at all.

    Is there, like, no stability at all in this guy's opinion on the situation?

    Not to mention how he's basically a motor mouth.
  • It's just one of these videos following the AVGN-era trend of BLOWING pretty much EVERYTHING out of PROPORTION.
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Yeah I'd guess that exaggeration sells better than authenticity in some communities.

    Maybe this explains the one guy whose schtick is wearing a top hat and always carrying a cane when all he does is review games.

    Or CNN's Richard Quest.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    > Yeah I'd guess that exaggeration sells better than authenticity in some communities.

    This is the gist of what I resent about the internet these days.
  • edited 2019-04-16 14:34:40
    There is love everywhere, I already know
    Even the authenticity is blowdried and photoshopped into something else, though. Usually, "I Can't Believe It's Not Perfection!!"

    See; Instagram (vaguely NSFW, I guess)

    Also; Today I learned about this horrifying scenario on which Mao's China accidentally/purposefully killed off all the natural predators of stuff that really liked eating their crops. Crops they needed to like, survive.
  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
    Even the authenticity is blowdried and photoshopped into something else, though. Usually, "I Can't Believe It's Not Perfection!!"

    See; Instagram (vaguely NSFW, I guess)
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    On social media, presenting one's self as authentic is really popular. However, to be popular on social media, it seems you have to employ about a billion unrealistic gimmicks to grab attention whilst constantly claiming one's authenticity.

    It's the normal sort of projection you'll find in the average person's social media (hey my life is great all the time!) taken several times too far.

    This account skewers some of the most popular posts on instagram, for example, that claim authenticity. It's not just instagram, try watching a lifestyle YouTuber like Safiya Nygaard. You might even believe her life is normal, but that's because as a former Buzzfeed video reporter she has the charisma (and now means) to make it appear so.

    Nobody who is posting a 10-18 minute video to YouTube a day is normal, because that's their livelihood right there. A professionally edited YouTube video doesn't just magically happen, after all. However, they will attempt to claim authenticity till the bell tolls.

    Unless they're Logan Paul, in which case they'll fake (maybe?) being a flat earther for a bit before interviewing Alex Jones for their millions of impressionable audience members.
  • This is the gist of what I resent about the internet these days.

    Well, like I said, it's not a new thing, it's been there for like a decade if not longer.
    Also; Today I learned about this horrifying scenario on which Mao's China accidentally/purposefully killed off all the natural predators of stuff that really liked eating their crops. Crops they needed to like, survive.

    Also the part where they had people melt off stuff they needed so they could make low-quality steel in their backyards.

    ^ Speaking of which, the other day I overheard my neighbor at his home speaking in English non-stop (as in, not talking with someone else). I wonder if he was recording himself for a Youtube video or something (that or he was making an audio message).
  • There is love everywhere, I already know
    Maybe he was practicing a speech or summoning Cthulhu (Basic ver.).
    it's been there for like a decade if not longer.

    I wonder if the Flame Wars of yore (oh my gosh how are Flame Wars old now) were a precursor to hyper-angry social media discourse. We just replaced nerd interests with every single one of society's ills.
  • edited 2019-04-18 02:18:18
    Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    presented without further annotation as such would be unnecessary.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    Guy should be glad she didn't have a cassowary.
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