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  • edited 2015-01-05 23:35:50
    a little muffled

    vandro wrote:
    It wasn't spawned by a review bought by sex, it spawned because a emotional abuse victm wanted to make his abuser's status as one to the public, the idiotic conspiracies came when the internet hate machine caught wind of it.
    The Zoepost may be part of the origin story, but the actual GG hashtag didn't start until right-wingers noticed that the internet hate mob happened to be directed toward people that they had reason to dislike and decided to get involved.

    This is what really gets me. Any actual ethics concerns related to Zoe Quinn were debunked before the GG hashtag was created. The people posting on it early on had to be aware of this, and they didn't care. Nobody involved in popularizing the "movement" was legitimately motivated by ethics, even if they suckered in people who were.

  • edited 2015-01-06 00:53:40

    Wow, wow, wow, climate change denial is a US thingy, don't mix it up with our country that doesn't engage in that bullshit.

    Wasn't pointing fingers at any country. In fact, Canada and Australia are currently run by deniers.

    It wasn't spawned by a review bought by sex, it spawned because a emotional abuse victm wanted to make his abuser's status as one to the public

    ...that was astroturfed.

    also that game media reprints accusations of sexual harassment without any proof beyond allegations.



    ...I...just linked a case of gender-motivated harassment? As the initial post that spawned this discussion?

    UPDATE: Removed last line after due to clarification.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Wait wait wait, Canada and Australia are run by deniers? what?! I already know it was astroturfed by the internet hate machine. I acknowledge that in my posts.

    ...I...just linked a case of gender-motivated harassment? As the initial post that spawned this discussion?

    Oh, so that's devi ever I think? Also, are we mixing gamergate board or the baphomet board, those are distinct 8chan boards. The latter was founded because someone attacked 8chan for hosting pedophiliac content and wanted to get back at the people labeling the accusation, to which i say, yup the accusation is not unwarranted at all and the guys at baphomet are a bunch of lunatics.

    I am not talking about that swatting, I am talking about zed of disign and gamepolitics apology for slandering Brad Wardell.

  • edited 2015-01-06 01:11:59

    Yep, glorious leader Harper is known for suppressing science, appointing Environment Ministers solely to defend the oil industry, and once used the "carbon dioxide is not a pollutant" line. Tony Abbott says it outright and repealed the carbon tax solely on this basis.

    Okay, I read the zen of design post and it was convincing enough to give Brad Wardell the benefit of the doubt. But this was an honest mistake and the apology was useful for clearing up misconceptions from the Kotaku article. If anything, that's Gawker ethics more than game reporting ethics.

    As for swatting, GopherGuts has been going after Grace Lynn for months ever since she backed out of the hashtag. Also, the guy behind the zoepost was actively fanning the flames on 4chan and deliberately constructing it as a name and shame. To claim he was just an emotional abuse victim is ignorant at best and disingenuous at worst.

    Anyway, I'm psychologically drained and done arguing. If you really think encouraging "ethics" is impossible without an organization whose most prominent figureheads are dedicated to ruining women's lives, I have nothing more to say to you.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I've never thought that it is impossible to encourage ethics without gamergate, that's not my stance. As far as I know there have been some groups that are proposing websites or hashtags that want to stand for a better game press that have actively chosen not to engage or be associated with gamergate as a group. And I think they have a right to do so. And I think that it is far less volatile and far more viable for a actual ombusdsman group to be form around the industry than simply self-policing has done and the updated policies by some of the groups like defy media and kotaku and stuff are good things.

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:02:41

    [user deleted]

  • edited 2015-01-06 08:01:06
    Diet NEET

    w/r/t the abuse issue: 

    It could also be mutual emotional abuse(Gonji's responses of wanting to verify her words by demanding passwords in the Post itself would fit the pattern). God knows that notion goes all the way back to Pizzey(edit: sane Pizzey, before she became a part of AVfM). 

    Analysis from someone who is very pro-socjus(check the rest of the blog, the person writes awesome): http://thingofthings.wordpress.com/2014/11/17/zoe-quinn-is-an-abuser/ ;

    Fisking of the idledilettante post by someone who has otherwise posted some very neutral analysis of the whole debacle: http://kazerad.tumblr.com/post/104914740993/blue-author-well-the-publicly-promulgated +Pless' own somewhat shallow criticism of the fisking: http://idledillettante.com/2014/12/06/eron-gjoni-hateful-boyfriend/comment-page-1/#comment-167

    Also keep in mind the notion that Quinn allegedly harassed Wozniak at Fish's wedding and abusive peeps almost always have multiple victims: http://i.imgur.com/2zHjomq.jpg (yes, muh redlined screencap compilation, but it seems curious in the light of the notion that he gatecrashed the wedding. Of course, the harassment could be confined to inappropriate come-ons and he could have been gatecrashing anyway while people found it too awkward to kick him out, making his choice to speak up at that time very silly indeed)

  • If you don't believe in the stated purpose of trickle-down economics

    You cannot believe in the stated purpose of trickle-down economics, because it's not an actual thing, except a strawman of liberal economic thinking.

  • Since we're getting into political Freudian Excuse time

    Oh, don't get me wrong. Like I said, I have political views at all in spite of that (since it made me see it as pointless), not because of it.

  • edited 2015-01-06 11:26:00

    I know. But there's a reason the term sociopolitical exists; the two are often intertwined.

    As for Zoe Quinn, I'm not saying she isn't culpable in any way (although I really am not interested in the bedrooms of the Net, as Trudeau Sr. put it), but Eron has done way more damage to himself at this point. Mostly, people should stop enabling his behaviour.

    who has otherwise posted some very neutral analysis of the whole debacle


    That guy was in fervent denial mode when Zoe leaked the 4chan chat logs. Nothing I've read of him suggests anything but GravyGoon cheerleading or American libertarianism. So I guess if "neutral" means "confirmation bias", he counts. If I wanted actual neutrality, I could read Wikipedia.

    In any case, it's obvious how GG is going to be seen in a few years; just like the Wikipedia article says now. It's already a sinking ship at this point.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    If it's going to be remembered at all. By then I'm sure we'll have another... I'd say "scandal", but it seems too big a word for that. "Scandal" is something that rocks governments, what we have had is like, dunno, a decentralized tantrum fit? 

  • In any case, it's obvious how GG is going to be seen in a few years

    It's not going to be seen at all. But if it were, we would do well to have the humilty to not assume we know how history will be written.

  • edited 2015-01-06 12:12:21
    Diet NEET

    >Kazerad is GG cheerleader

    Wut? The guy has posted plenty on the failure mode of GG, of how their tactics are understandable of how humans react but unproductive, and the gaps in his own knowledge, as far as I can parse. Let me then reformulate 'neutral' to 'self-reflecting and relatively balanced'. This might be a weakness of my own for seeing WORDSWORDSWORDS as more objective. 

    >On Wikipedia

    I looked up the Chanology article for comparison, and it's so whitewashed it's ridiculous. No mention of death threats during the mass calling session phase, nor of the spamming with callgirls and pornography/gore send to the mailaddresses, and best of all almost none of the news articles contain info from 'embedded' journos on the organizing hub sites. If Chanology would happen nowadays, it would be under way, way more scrutiny and wouldn't receive such favourable coverage even if the target was as 'deserving' as the church. 

    Wikipedia sources from the media, and the slant of the coverage will determine how Wikipedia looks at it.  It's been a constant battleground that GG lost because the pro-side doesn't know how to conduct itself on there. Anti-GG Wikipedia editors who have crammed at lot of time have done donation drives on Ghazi, for the love of Odin. In the end, the harassment was always the biggest issue to the largest group of people. In this case, it's perfectly acceptable for the article to be about mostly that. But lifeless lurking for months shows that for me Knoll's Law even applies to Wikipedia.

  •  But lifeless lurking for months shows that for me Knoll's Law even applies to Wikipedia.

    Does it ever not?

  • In the end, the harassment was always the biggest issue to the largest group of people.

    Gee, I wonder why.

    But lifeless lurking for months shows that for me Knoll's Law even applies to Wikipedia.

    [citation needed]

  • edited 2015-01-06 18:08:09
    Diet NEET

    But lifeless lurking for months shows that for me Knoll's Law even applies to Wikipedia.

    [citation needed]

    I c wut u did thar.

    The death threats that came from the Celebrinando guy is the example that comes to mind the quickest. 

  • edited 2015-01-06 21:19:12

    Anti-GG Wikipedia editors who have crammed at lot of time have done donation drives on Ghazi, for the love of Odin.

    If you're talking about what I think you are, Ghazi suggested it and it was for getting his stuff back from Japan, not anything related to GG.

    The death threats that came from the Celebrinando guy is the example that comes to mind the quickest.

    You mean the guy GG pointed fingers at? Well, we had similar high-profile cases in Canada in which Anonymous went after Amanda Todd's sextorter and Rehtaeh Parsons's rapists. With the former case, they got the wrong guy and regarding the latter, her mother told them she didn't want vigilantes handling the case. Because of Wikipedia:BLP, they can't just put probable suspects without reliable sources.

    You know why I am always wary of anything you say? Because you seem more interested in sources confirming your bias over their reliability. It doesn't help that you often document dump blog posts or hour-long videos without a courtesy summary. In the above-mentioned cases, you don't even post any link for verification or context. I had trouble just figuring out what part of the Wikipedia article you were referring to at first.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Oh, GG, Don't freak out about intel. You are being a spoiled brat. Tut, tut.

  • Celebrinando sauce: http://kotaku.com/the-anita-sarkeesian-hater-that-everyone-hates-1658494441 (Kotaku constitutes a reliable source according to Wikipedia)

    You don't always give a courtesy summary for longposts either, but noted. 

  • As I was waiting for the bus, there was dead golden retriever in the middle of the road. With the bus being late, I spent fifteen minutes looking at a dead dog. Not sure if there was a point posting this, I just wanted to share it with someone.

  • edited 2015-01-09 12:16:08
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    I can't shake off a feeling there's a deep, profound meaning to what you have posted, that just barely eludes my recognition.

  • edited 2015-01-08 18:42:34

    I'd been thinking of making a blog to post 3DCG stuff in as recommended. Looking back at the other anniversary thread I remembered we were supposed to have an IJBM tumblr account, so I'll try to retake the idea and start maintaining it. I'm going to repost what goes on the images thread, as well as repost whatever finished 3D work I do. What else should I repost? Does anyone want to share the duty to repost things?

    Either way, I'll hopefully be doing a more liveblog-like 3D work followup on this tumblr, in the hypothetical case someone might be interested.

    Jeeze, why does this thing insists on telling me how to do stuff on and on...

    Edit: On second thought, I probably shouldn't post NSFW images. d'oh

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Today is Martyr's Day. Patriotism! Wheee

  • The last refuge of scoundrels is a really nice place.

  • Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human

    lrdgck wrote:

    I can't shake off a feeling there's a deep, profound meaning to what you have posted, that just barely eludes my recognition.



    Especially coming off the earlier argument.

  • edited 2015-01-11 15:16:21
    Diet NEET

    The event of the student association activity where I'm giving a talk on rhetorical techniques lists me as "internet debater and professional Youtube commenter". I can happily die now, my life is complete.  

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    "Professional troll" is shorter but a bit less dignified.


    Which gets me thinking... "And now that you have compared yourself to a persecuted intellectual, you should be careful which word  to choose for misspelling..."

  • edited 2015-01-13 10:52:14
    Diet NEET

    >make OKC troll profile of trilby-wearing self-flagellating socjus aspiring poet

    >people actually respond better than my old, serious profile

    I know there's a lesson in there somewhere about self-reflection, but I'd rather go with the specific traits of the OKC demographic. 

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Meanwhile in Poland: a man was seen trying to break into a police car, screaming "I am Satan! I am Satan!".


    In other news, I am told my computer works slowly 'cause the hard drive is breaking down. Dammit. 

  • I know there's a lesson in there somewhere about self-reflection, but I'd rather go with the specific traits of the OKC demographic. 

    Did you still use a picture of yourself?

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