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  • 9/11 image macros in thread put my money on Lizard Squad. 

    There are GG sympathizers in the thread as well people who just like starting mayhem on both sides, depending on if you parse these posts as double bluff:



    Of course, climate of fear, GG allowed it to escalate to this point and none of the swattings on their side had any concrete evidence. 

    However, this segment of people lives for happenings and it will only die down with their boredom. This core gets boosts from meltdowns as much as media coverage. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

  • There is love everywhere, I already know

    I've been banned from EsperNet (for using a proxy even though I wasn't) so I might never not be able to get on for a while.

  • edited 2015-01-04 01:15:55

    You can use the webchat thingy, I think. Or someone can give you @Unknown_Entity's proxy.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    I've recently found out there are voiced Dolans out there (and Spurdos, and so on). One of those awfully emotionless-sounding voice synthesizers.


  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I still support GamerGate. Because I care about intent more than I care for than anything, wheee...

  • edited 2015-01-05 07:57:49
    a little muffled

    Intent? You know the first ever tweet with the hashtag was Adam Baldwin (i.e. a right-wing nutjob who doesn't play video games) sharing Quinnspiracy videos right?

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    I don't know about gamers, but I side with the rocket nerd. Incidentally, like I said earlier, Hatred the video game may be considered a transatlantic echo of that gamer mess. Or an echo of a transatlantic echo.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    It was a retweet of the Internet Aristocrat videos, yes. Was that a flounce, man. I know my gamergate history, the quinnspiracy from which it spawned(of which my opinion was taht her relationship or not with anyone was independant of the quality of her games) Also, you are engaging in genetic fallacy there. Adam Balwin's politics are of no consequence to the idea that gamergate is a group that coalesced under the banner of ethics. Please tell me that modern epic movies are all racist because the aesthetics of them come from the film Birth of the Nation.

  • a little muffled

    I read your post as "gamergate started out good, so even though it went to shit I still support". If that's not exactly what you meant, fair enough.

    vandro wrote:
    Adam Balwin's politics are of no consequence to the idea that gamergate is a group that coalesced under the banner of ethics.
    No, it's a bunch of people who noticed "ethics" was a semi-believable post-hoc justification for attacking people that they already wanted to go after, and a bunch of right-wing American kooks who noticed that they could easily exploit this to further their own ends.

  • edited 2015-01-05 08:29:21
    He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Read my post as: Their stated purpose is to further more ethical discourse in electronic toys reporting. Therefore I, the perpetual idealist that is me, support them in spirit, because I do believe that people should engage honestly with their readers. Does it mean I condone harassment? It doesn't, because it is not their stated purpose. Does it mean I benefit from the harassment like Dan Olson claims in the foldable human video? No, because I don't engage in the hashtag and don't form part of the letter writing campaigns nor act in any capacity as a member of gamergate. My latest game purchases are Christine Love games for crying out loud.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Don't we still have some gamergate thread that's not locked?

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I think the thread is still locked.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Perhaps I was thinking of some other loosely related one.

  • Above all, the whole debacle is a lesson in humility when playing with flammable ideologies. Attack too hard on what you see as an apolitical grudge and you suddenly find yourself in the company of nazis(not that they're really that intimidating when viewed from up close). Declare people problematic by digging up insensitive comments and people will eventually use that same tactic on you, and suddenly you're the one complaining about willful misinterpretation and looking-to-get-offended. God knows this whole thing has actually made me more sympathetic to socjus talking points precisely because the loudest voices fuck it up so hard. 

  • edited 2015-01-05 14:12:30
    "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Tangentially related (as in, I don't know how it's related, but that talk reminded me of it): it's funny how the only political movement formed out of Occupy Wall Street movement to survive in the long term, was the Tea Party. (edit reason: typo)

  • edited 2015-01-05 12:09:56

    It helps being an astroturf movement supported by rich right-wingers in America. It's just another way of shifting the Overton window so that what would be considered far-right almost anywhere else in the world aside from Israel becomes normal political discourse.

    Occupy shows what happens when you protest solely on the basis of being "liberal/left". No one has any idea what you're fighting for compared to protesting against something concrete like homelessness or oil pipelines.

    God knows this whole thing has actually made me more sympathetic to socjus talking points precisely because the loudest voices fuck it up so hard. 

    What the heck is social justice anyway? It could refer to anything from police brutality against black/First Nations people, homelessness, etc. If you mean the PETA-esque fringe, then it's a worthless term only useful for attacking an effigy.

    Their stated purpose is to further more ethical discourse in electronic toys reporting. Therefore I, the perpetual idealist that is me, support them in spirit, because I do believe that people should engage honestly with their readers.

    Trickle-down economics purports to benefit all poor people by investing in the rich. Therefore, everyone should support it in spirit even though it's your classic pyramid scheme applied to government policy. Also, you should totally trust every charity without knowing where the money goes to (and I'm kind of bitter about that particular example since I once got scammed out of a lot of money even though the warning signs were obvious).

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Trickledown economics is something I am not succeptible to believing, I don't know about you,  but being raised with a Commie Godfather, actually having to live among people that need the money and developmental growth policies as an excercise of Jesuit Social Justice made me kinda lefty economically and socially speaking, so I tend to distrust economically right policies right of the bat. I don't know about charities that much however, in that respect you've got me there.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"
    What is the difference between Jesuit Social Justice and the non-Jesuit one? Sounds like I should get it by now, but yet haven't.
  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Social Justice as interpreted by Jesuits and catholicism is about those who have to give to those that don't have, because it is their moral duty to do so. About how each and every individual human has basic human dignity from conception to natural death. They must invest in spreading justice and serving peace as a motto.

    The other social justice is about power relations and if you believe that people should have rightts at conception then you are a mysoginistic shitlord and euthanasia is also cool with the secular social justice crowd.

  • In this particular case, the points would be more complex characters that actually strike a balance between not making the identity marker a side issue and not making it central to the character, better block options on media platforms(such as keyword blocker etcetera), supporting creators directly, differentiated and deep longpost editiorials and genre-revising-and-reviving games like Framed and the effect e-mobbing can have on a person regardless of the content of messages received. 

  • @parent politics

    I think it's finally a good time to mention my parents were both commies. My mother in particular was a full-on activist, card-carrying socialeftist for decades, well-read on Stalinist literature (such as Marx's, Lenin's and Trotski's) and seasoned on the fine art of blaming the US for everything. I came to resent the fact that she spent so much time and resources in activism at the detriment of the family, which probably is what made me hate politics for a very long time, although at the same time it made me have a mellow position towards her political views and ideology, since if my mother believes them, it can't be that bad, right?

    And so on and on. Time passed by, she worked herself hard to make Chávez (and Caldera) become president, worked for the MVR (Chávez' party before the PSUV), got well into proselitizing Chavism's virtues as well as the PSUV itself for a while, and so on until 2008 or so, getting disillussioned with her activism and becoming a Jehova's Witness instead, but not actually relenting her political position until recently, despite all the bullshit.

    Over the past two years it's caused a lot of friction between the two of us.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    When I said commie I meant literally, he studied in GLORIOUS SOVIET MOSCOW. And had lots of the texts. He is a good and respected judge nowadays with a reasonale wealth and a great family. But then, Panama is as capitalistic as it gets, and the GINI coefficient shows.

  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    So, Jesuit Social Justice is actually what I might have thought of. That's funny. I expected something more metaphorical. 

    There's been that joke about how a college communist's opinion on income tax turns 180 degrees after finding a decent job. It's like the leftist version of teenage daughter's pregnancy, really. Heh heh heh *ekhe khe* heh.

  • edited 2015-01-05 16:09:08

     When I said commie I meant literally, he studied in GLORIOUS SOVIET MOSCOW. And had lots of the texts. He is a good and respected judge nowadays with a reasonale wealth and a great family. But then, Panama is as capitalistic as it gets, and the GINI coefficient shows.

    I meant it literally, too. Bourgeoisie, The Empire, state-managed companies for everything (doubly so if government-managed), "wild capitalism", surplus value, all that stuff.

    The other day I learned Venezuela's GINI coefficient wasn't actually that bad during 80s and 90s Venezuela (and 00s and 10s, of course), so I guess that's another instance of the GINI coefficient measuring leftiness.

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I sometimes am glad I didn't absorb communist memes in an enviroment that has been made poor by their use.

  • edited 2015-10-09 07:02:48

    [user deleted]

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    I get what Red Abyss is getting at, that people act in bad faith and take umbrage in excuses, and they aren't sincere in what they preach or worse, believe their own lies. But the way I've seen gamergate develop is through the actions of people that actually believe in the message that gamergate puts forth and actually engage in what the stated purpose of it is. I can't for the life of me disentagle the good will of those than engage in good faith with the banner they hold. Are they useful idiots? Maybe? Am I that guillible? Most likely. But I don't demonize in the name of "They are the enemies of progress and all that is good in this world". That's just demonizing your opponent because you'd rather not empathize with the enemy or  acknowledge whichever good point they might have because you don't like them.

  • edited 2015-01-05 22:37:41

    and seasoned on the fine art of blaming the US for everything

    Since we're getting into political Freudian Excuse time, mine was the Iraq War. I'm still pissed about that crime against humanity even after learning about everything else the US government was responsible for. Most of my political views stem from either that, a quasi-religious environmentalism akin to The Lion King, or a bitterness towards suburban life. But the Iraq War was my impetus for getting into politics specifically.

    and actually engage in what the stated purpose of it is

    [citation needed]

    As for acknowledging points, no matter how much people argue climate change isn't happening, that doesn't make the polar ice caps melt any slower. GoonyGale was supposedly spawned from a review bought by sex, but there was no review, and every single complaint about "ethics" demonstrates they have no idea how journalism works. And why do you need a hashtag to discuss ethics? Couldn't you just do so independently and not associate with a hate group that signal boosts unethical journalism such as Breitbart?

  • He who laments and can't let go of the past is forever doomed to solitude.

    Wow, wow, wow, climate change denial is a US thingy, don't mix it up with our country that doesn't engage in that bullshit. It wasn't spawned by a review bought by sex, it spawned because a emotional abuse victm wanted to make his abuser's status as one to the public, the idiotic conspiracies came when the internet hate machine caught wind of it. I have no idea how journalism work? Well, the Greg Lisby interview is a thingy that helped me understand that, and it made me realize that garme jurnalizm was as shabby on the AAA scale as it was on the indie scene, also that game media reprints accusations of sexual harassment without any proof beyond allegations. And I don't need the hashtag to discuss ethics at all, and that is why I can discuss it with you right now.

    Citations needed...Hmmmm....Giving voice to slandered developers in the name of transparency is not ethics because reasons! Like some people kinda gave apologies to someone that must not be named becuase they reprinted a story without checking! But that doesn't matter because remember folks, a group is definised by its worst members not by the whole of it.

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