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  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Oh yeah, Dragon Age.

    fuck yeah dragon age

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    fuck yeah


  • One foot in front of the other, every day.

    If your definition of a man's weapon is "whatever puts him at the most disadvantage," then I'd like to kindly direct you to the Fischer-Price catalog for your perusal. I'm sure they'll find something manly enough for you to use as a weapon.

    A spear, used in two hands, is actually at advantage against a sword without shield. Along with swords, daggers and unarmed combat, spear has the highest skill ceiling -- but only when used two-handed. One-handed spear with shield was obsoleted in just a few hundred years after the conquests of Charlemagne.

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.

    Where are you up to?

  • Glaives are better.

    > They think that Dragon Age is a good RPG!

    http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3628/3368425688_49d0b8cf0c_z.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="427" />

  • All those swords are cool and all, but that kind of scenario can only be the result of anime access. In media, it's almost always a character with just one sword that's deadliest -- and for good reason. A sword is a weapon that makes a radial arc around you an iron cage and a buzzsaw, if wielded skilfully. Complete area denial.

    He beats the guy who uses the strongest sword in existence

    Granted, that is the fault of Gilgamesh's hubris preventing him from using his full power. If he had used his full power straight out rather than letting Shirou draw him into Unlimited Blade Works, or had simply used Ea (which tears holes in reality at its full strength) rather than dueling him (and Gilgamesh is a piss-poor swordsman) and only pulling out Ea at the last minute (and giving Shirou opening to simply lop his hand off before he can bring the sword to bear), Shirou wouldn't have lasted two seconds.

    What am I even talking about

    -goes off to play Deus Ex-

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:41:03
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^ Beggars can't be choosers, and Dragon Age had fun social interaction, fun characters and a fun plot for all the failings of its technical system. I should play it again one of these days.

    ^ Ah, see, in the anime, those swords are mostly an expression of power.

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:40:30
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    So far, I've saved the Magi and Redcliffe, and I'm in that temple with all the cultists to find Andraste's ashes.  I'm playing a sword and board warrior.

    ^^^ o u

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.
    So far, I've saved the Magi and Redcliffe, and I'm in that temple with all the cultists to find Andraste's ashes.  I'm playing a sword and board warrior.

    Do you have Wynne?

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.


  • ^ Ah, see, in the anime, those swords are mostly an expression of power.

    Pretty much. Gilgamesh is only master of his one sword, after all, and Shirou is master of none but can use them all fairly effectively.

    Also the main girl is King Arthur in one of the routes

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:43:36
    Glaives are better.

    ^^^^ > He doesn't go to Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate to get his social interaction, plot and character development!

    http://operatorchan.org/vg/arch/src/vg83552_girls laughing.jpg" alt="" width="446" height="400" />


    Hey guys do you think vampires are cool I think vampires are cool.

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:44:07
    One foot in front of the other, every day.

    ^^^ Yes I know that.

    That is like the worst-kept spoiler in history apart from "Jesus dies".

    I dunno how I feel about banging Queen Arthur though.

    ^ swords > vampires prove me wrong

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    >>implying you can't just play all three

  • If you must eat a phoenix, boil it, do not roast it. This only encourages their mischievous habits.


    Excellent, a healer is always the best.

    Sword-and-board warrior? Uh, I guess that means you can serve the role of tank.

    If you manage to kill the High Dragon that's an optional boss just near you, you can go to Denerim and have the blacksmith there make you some fairly good armour out of its' drops. Also, it has a lot of drops that sell fairly good.

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:45:39

    That is like the worst-kept spoiler in history apart from "Jesus dies".

    I dunno how I feel about banging Queen Arthur though.

    I was surprised that it was supposed to be a spoiler when I first watched, actually.

    Meanwhile, Toddler chews off a snake's head, makes Heavy Weapons Guy shit pants.

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:46:02

    ^^^^Vampires can't be killed with a sword. Even if you could get past their superspeed, strength, toughness, and  mind game powers you need to stake them with wood.

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:47:04
    Glaives are better.

    ^^^^ > He doesn't limit his exposure to inferior media, and chooses to play Dragon Age over superior fare!

  • Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.

    I'm a warrior mostly because I didn't feel like playing the Mage origin again.  :V

    I'm really enjoying the game so far, though.

  • Glaives are better.

    Guys, stop having fun with things that I don't like!

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

    sure is /v/ in here

  • edited 2012-01-30 23:51:37
    Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the last Day.



  • edited 2012-01-30 23:50:43


  • You can change. You can.

    nah, hatter. suffer.

  • Glaives are better.

    But you're having fun THE WRONG WAY!

  • We Played Some Open Chords and Rejoiced, For the Earth Had Circled the Sun Yet Another Year

  • Glaives are better.

    It's like you guys don't even care that you're liking the wrong things.

    Whatever. I'm going to go cuddle with my love pillow Miss Asahina.


    Gawd even your taste in waifus is shit.

  • No rainbow star
    1) That is one badass kid

    2) >Hatter is using laughing girls

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