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The first fic I might seriously finish is...



  • Kichigai birthday!!
    I was in doubt because in Spanish it's "Inmediatamente". Thanks for the correction
  • My choice of Pokémon should be immediately obvious.
  • ... It's Blastoise, isn't it?
  • No rainbow star
    "I know that. But it's hard seeing other's awesome drawings and looking at my own shitty ones."

    I know that feeling. I also know that quite a few of them feel the same way. It's an issue that never goes away, and seems to get worse the better you are
  • Kichigai birthday!!
    ^^^ It's Combee, right?
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-04-26 13:54:30
    Indeed, wisdom is knowing how much you don't know.  The good news is at that point you can point at something that doesn't work and know why it doesn't work.

    Hell, there's another thing you can do to improve.  Hop on ff-net and analyze badfic.  And not just spelling/syntax errors -- that's the easy part.  Be able to pinpoint why contrived things feel wrong, why humor attempts fail, where characters are inconsistent, where they come off as vengeful assholes with no redeeming or interesting qualities, and what makes characters tend to all feel like the same one-dimensional badfic-hive-mind.  Don't look for instances of failure, look for patterns of it.
  • Magcargo, it's effective against bug/poison wimps like Beedrill.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-04-26 14:07:09
    Don't make me go all 40 base Defense up on your ass.

    It's Combee, right?

    I wish I could find the Beedrill X Vespiquen moonlight dance picture again.  That was frigging unbelievable.  I have it saved but I'd rather just link it.
  • edited 2011-04-26 14:14:39
    I'm with Everest. "I don't follow trends, I break them" is a quote worthy of Your Webcomic is bad back in its heyday.

    Personally, I don't think your writing is terrible. It's boring and lacks emotion and rhythm. I'd be more constructively critical if I could, but I feel like I'm joining the dogpile if I do. Really, my advice is not to show your rough stuff to anyone other than a willing, and actually constructive critic. And don't start by writing porn. Writing porn is hard and takes a really decent and experienced writer, like Alan Moore, to pull off. The difficulty is evident by the fact that all porn writing sucks.
  • "Personally, I don't think your writing is terrible. It's boring and lacks emotion and rhythm."

    That's part of the point. I try to make the narrator sound like a Deadpan Snarker.

    I've always had trouble expressing emotion.

    "And don't start by writing porn. Writing porn is hard and takes a really decent and experienced writer, like Alan Moore, to pull off. The difficulty is evident by the fact that all porn writing sucks."

    Technically, this isn't porn. There's not a single sex scene.
  • edited 2011-04-26 14:46:12
    ^ Regarding point 1!

    Deadpan snarkers have rhythm and emotion. "snarking" technically counts as one. What I mean is it sounds dry. If you want snark, it has to have a bite, an edge. There is no formula for generating wit, though. But I have noticed people who are well read are better at it.

    ^ Regarding point 2!

    It doesn't matter if there's sex or not, it's still a "fetfic", which is pretty much the same genre but PG.
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-04-26 14:49:44
    Look, if you're getting a massive hardon while writing it, and you're writing it for the express purpose of said hardon, it's likely to have the same technical issues as porn.
  • edited 2011-04-26 15:12:41
    They're somethin' else.
    I'm going to be honest: You're doing what I like to call "calling your sarcasm". There is no subtlety in your writing. You're telling us you're being sarcastic. You're telling us this is all darkly humorous.

    But the reader would not be able to see it if he wasn't hinted at it. That is where it fails. Let it speak for itself, so to speak. The reader should be able to piece it together himself with enough clues, and not a big blinking sign that says "im snarking"
  • edited 2011-04-26 15:17:49
    Regarding the porn issue:

    I know that I am basically writing porn. But, from what I've heard, it's less that people are bad at writing porn, and more that they are bad at writing sex scenes specifically. So it will be, at the very least, marginally easier for me to not fuck up.

    Schitzo: perhaps I'm describing it badly. What I kinda mean is that my narrator is supposed to be completely annoyed at everybody and constantly tears into them for humor. It's supposed to be up-front--you can see how much he insults Marco, right? He's supposed to give off the impression of being tired with the characters, and just flat-out annoyed at them, while also quipping a lot.
  • They're somethin' else.
    And also: don't focus on impressing the reader. Focus on satisfying yourself for now. Think of the storytelling (or the quality of the smut), and work on the tropes and their usage later. Much later.
  • "Marginally easier" in the sense that you will now only need to master regular writing. That's still hard!

    Also, Schitzo speaks sense, 'ave a listen
  • BeeBee
    edited 2011-04-26 15:25:48
    it's less that people are bad at writing porn, and more that they are bad at writing sex scenes specifically.

    Not really.  The problem is generally laziness because porn is writing for a reason other than good writing.  Hell, you even said it yourself:

    it's porn. Stop reading it and expecting to find something on the caliber of War and Peace or To Kill A Mockinbird.

    That is exactly the mindset that pervades the vast majority of porn.  Thing is, is if all someone really wants is fap material, they'll google pictures instead of wading through half-assed prose.
  • They're somethin' else.
    Also, any tone of voice should be readily apparent in the dialogue itself. Try as much as you can not to have the person's tone of voice simply given anywhere outside of the quotation marks.

    You can try to hint to tone by gestures or actions, or interactions with scenery and background. You can state how slowly, how fast, how loudly the words and the statement is said in the middle of it.

    And as for It's Just Porn:

    Never let your writing be ordinary, or "good enough". Make it memorable.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    Hey chagen are you still writing this

    How goddamn depraved will society get.....I fear for it sometimes.

    or did you give up once you realized how fucked up and depraved the internet is? -snicker snicker-
  • $80+ per session
    Oh hey. This trainwreck.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭
    I was reading the drama chronicles thread and found this old thread. Oh, how I miss April 26.
  • I'm a damn twisted person
    Because you keep asking them to read it, or at the very least putting snippets of it where they might read it?
  • Vorpy, I don't even fucking remember this goddamn thread.
  • You can change. You can.
    But it did happen. Deal with it. 
  • And there was really no point in reviving it.

  • Vorpy revived it first.
  • You can change. You can.
    -shrug- Be that as it may, you're really not helping by posting in it, if you want it dead.
  • Vorpy revived it first.
    Did I claim otherwise?
  • Hey, I didn't write that drama stuff just so these threads could be revived.

    But since this is here now, I suggest reading it and learn from past mistakes.
  • ☭Unstoppable Sex Goddess☭

    Okay Chagen, have you learned an important lesson about having tolerance and acceptance of the various exotic fetishes your fellow internet goers have, and learning to respect them over it knowing that they should respect you just as much?

    Acceptance of others is very important.
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