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Least I Could Do

edited 2011-06-04 15:01:57 in Webspace
Kichigai birthday!!
So are we supposed to hate the main character or what? Because if it's so, the writer is doing a good job


  • edited 2011-06-04 15:03:53
    You mean the "main" webcomic done by the LFG guys?

    ...... I can't really spare the energy to "hate" it, but I know what you mean. He is a hella Marty Stu.
  • I read that as "I have never enjoyed a single LSD trip."
  • What is this LICD strip you are talking about?
  • To be fair, I've read it all the way through exactly once.... but then I've read quite a few webcomics that had almost no redeeming features out of pure boredom...

    It takes certain factors to make me just give up on a webcomic....  I can tolerate bad drawing in a comic's beginning, but if it continues to be badly drawn then that puts me off. A bad story alone won't do it, but bad story AND bad drawing will definitely cause me to just walk out on a webcomic.  The prime example is... well... anything Tiffany Ross has ever done. She should be embarrassed, frankly... nobody who makes such poorly scrawled crap as she does has any business being so prolific about it. I'm not sure she even knows how awful her stuff is (amazingly enough). How she has fans at all is beyond me.
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