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What I bought: Burger King's Chicken Fries

in General
Creature - Florida Dragon Turtle Human
What I expected: special chicken-flavored french fries.
What I got: fry-shaped pieces of chicken meat.


  • What I expected: special chicken-flavored french fries.
    That sounds like it would be really weird.
  • I've tried "chicken-flavored fried eggs", by using grease from cooking chicken as oil for frying eggs.

    Warning: it tastes like shit.
  • Wouldn't chicken stock be a better choice?
  • The cook simply wanted to make good use of leftover chicken grease.

    (Same goes for tuna can oil, with similar results.)
  • I'm pretty sure bacon is the only meat that makes good grease for cooking other things.
  • "you duck spawn, refined creature, you try to be cynical, yokel, but all that comes out of it is that you're a dunce!!!!! you duck plug!"

    Chicken mathematics:

    chicken-flavored french fries + fry-shaped pieces of chicken meat = chicken-flavored fries made of chicken

    it's the first step towards chicken-flavored chicken. For the price of a chicken, you get double the chicken.

    I have no idea what I'm talking about.

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